Department of Foreign Languages

Enrolment and course completion

  1. Before choosing a course you can take a placement test to determine your language level (please contact Please notice that generally courses at levels A1 and A2 are run in POLISH. We strongly recommend signing up for higher level courses a (level B1.1 and above), as at those levels the language that is taught is also the language of instruction (e.g B1.1 level course of French is mostly run in French).
  2. When choosing a language course please consider
    • your level of proficiency in accordance with CEFR
    • the aims and contents of the course (please check subject cards)
    • your professional and individual interest
  3. In order to pass the chosen course successfully you are required to:
    • enroll in a course during registration time via International Office and make sure that your enrollment is correctly presented at Edukacja Cl system
    • attend and take active participation in classes
    • meet the course requirements
  4. It is possible for the students to resign from the course within first 10 days of the semester. Please fill in the form and send it to or hand it in person during office hours
  5. While attending the course you are entitled to
    • 3 unexcused absences during a 60h course
    • 2 unexcused absences in a 45h course and
    • 1 unexcused absence in a 15h course
  6. We evaluate our students in accordance with percentage system.

All students are entitled to have access to:

  • their assignments and discuss them during classes or a teacher’s office hours (to be agreed with the teacher).
  • the library at the Department of Foreign Languages and Virtual Learning Environment that offers additional teaching materials.

Please remember to bring the course book and every other required materials to every classes.

Detailed evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes – percentage system

At the end of the course the student receives a final crediting grade which comprises four equal parts 

  • For levels from A1 to B1.2
    1. The amount of points for classwork: 25% of final grade
    2. The amount of points for homework: 25% of final grade
    3. The amount of points for test assignments: 25% of final grade
    4. The amount of points for final test: 25% of final grade
  • For levels B2.1 and C1.1
    1. The amount of points for classwork: 25% of final grade
    2. The amount of points for individual work: 25% of final grade
    3. The amount of points for work with specialist texts: 25% of final grade
    4. The amount of points for the test: 25% of final grade
  • For levels B2.2 and C1.2
    1. The amount of points for classwork: 25% of final grade
    2. The amount of points for individual work: 25% of final grade
    3. The amount of points for the presentation: 25% of final grade
    4. The amount of points the test: 25% of final grade
  • For  levels B2+ and C1+
    At the end of the course the student receives a final crediting grade which comprises two equal parts
    1. 50% of the final grade for the work performed by the student during classes
    2. 50% of the final grade for the test 

The final grade is the arithmetic mean derived from the percentage of points received, according to the scale below:


Grade (in words)






very good



good plus






satisfactory plus





0 – 54,99



The grade "excellent" (5.5) is awarded to a student whose knowledge or skills, during verification, have exceeded the range within the educational outcomes specific for the given course, and who has met the detailed conditions of passing the course specified by the teacher.

The minimal percentage to receive the final crediting grade is 55%. In order to get a final grade the student needs to have tangible achievements in all elements of evaluation.

Evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • classwork (e.g. individual, pair and team work, oral and/or written statements):
  • homework tasks (short oral and/or written statements; a self-presentation on a given topic in accordance with the programme content; grammatical and lexical exercises);
  • test assignments (min. one controlled test per – test, min test, etc.);
  • final test, controlling the skills practiced during classes and in accordance with the programme of the course.

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • classwork (e.g. individual, pair and team work, oral and/or written statements):
  • homework tasks (short oral and/or written statements including a short non-literary text; a self-presentation on a given topic related to everyday life and professional issues; tasks based on a short text related to everyday life and professional issues (studies, work); grammatical and lexical exercises);
  • test assignments (min. one controlled test per – test, min test, etc.);
  • final test, controlling the skills practiced during classes and in accordance with the programme of the course.

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • classwork (e.g. individual, pair and team work, oral and/or written statements):
  • homework tasks (short oral and/or written statements including a short non-literary text; a self-presentation on a given topic concerning everyday life and professional issues; tasks based on a short text concerning everyday life and professional issues (studies, work); grammatical and lexical exercises);
  • test assignments (min. one controlled test per – test, min test, etc.);
  • final test, controlling the skills practiced during classes and in accordance with the programme of the course.

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • classwork (e.g. individual, pair and team work, oral and/or written statements):
  • homework tasks (short oral and/or written statements including a longer non-literary text e.g. formal and informal letter; a self-presentation on a given topic concerning everyday life and professional issues (future career plans); tasks based on a longer text related to everyday life and professional issues (studies, work); grammatical and lexical exercises);
  • test assignments (min. one controlled test per – test, min test, etc.);
  • final test, controlling the skills practiced during classes and in accordance with the programme of the course.

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • Evaluation of language performance leading to effective communication in foreign language during classes (e.g. on the basis of individual work, pair work or team work, and based on speaking and listening skills)
  • oral or written evaluation of the student’s individual work based on materials representing specialist language in the studied area
  • oral or written summary of a specialist text related to the studied area
  • a test for the evaluation of the lexis and grammar acquired during the course

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • evaluation of language performance leading to effective communication in foreign language during classes (e.g. on the basis of individual work, pair work or team work, and based on speaking and listening skills)
  • oral or written evaluation of the student’s individual work based on materials representing specialist language in the studied area
  • a presentation delivered on a topic related to the studied area
  • final test for the evaluation of language skills (understanding written and spoken texts) and the acquisition of grammar and lexis

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • evaluation of language performance leading to effective communication in foreign language during classes (e.g. on the basis of individual work, pair work or team work, and based on speaking and listening skills)
  • oral or written evaluation of the student’s individual work based on materials representing specialist language in the studied area
  • oral or written summary of a specialist text related to the studied area
  • a test for the evaluation of the lexis and grammar acquired during the course

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at A1 level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • evaluation of language performance leading to effective communication in foreign language during classes (e.g. on the basis of individual work, pair work or team work, and based on speaking and listening skills)
  • oral or written evaluation of the student’s individual work based on materials representing specialist language in the studied area
  • a presentation delivered on a topic related to the studied area
  • final test for the evaluation of language skills (understanding written and spoken texts) and the acquisition of grammar and lexis

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at B2+ level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • aspects that include effective communication and the ability to take part in numerous forms of interaction which correspond to the professional environment typical of the graduates of technical universities (individual work, group work, pair work, participation in discussions)
  • a final test for the evaluation of the lexis and grammar covered in the course programme

The evaluation of the achievement of subject educational outcomes at C1+ level is based on points given by the teacher for:

  • aspects that include effective communication and the ability to take part in numerous forms of interaction which correspond to the professional environment typical of the graduates of technical universities (individual work, group work, pair work, participation in discussions, presentation of work results)
  • a final test for the evaluation of the lexis and grammar covered in the course programme 


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