Department of Foreign Languages

60-hour, single-semestre course for Erasmus and full-time students

Aims of the course (effects  of the course): The course is an intensive, introductory language course for beginners. The goal of the course is to work toward active language usage through systematic conversational practice, oral drills, listening exercises, as well as reading and writing assignments. The course is also designed as an introduction to Polish culture and traditions. 

Course description: The contents of the course on elementary level (A1 and A2) include subjects related to everyday life: personal data, education, general look, family relations, leisure time activities, health etc. Other topics include: the surroundings of people (both immediate: living place, dormitory, etc. and more distant: city and its institutions), as well as daily routines, plants, animals, weather and climate. The course contents also include typical communicative situations.  The grammatical material includes: declination of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals; verb inflexion, transitive and intransitive verbs, verb voices and moods, impersonal verb forms, modal verbs and verbs connected with movement; comparison of adjectives and adverbs; classifying words into different parts of speech; syntax of a single and compound sentence, double negation, punctuation. 

Course contents: 

  1. Introductions –  different ways of introducing yourself or somebody else. Formal and informal forms of saying hello and goodbye. 
  2. Asking about somebody’s  identity. Negative sentences. The article in Polish. 
  3. Daily Enquiring about the time. Cardinal numbers. 
  4. Food you like – food and drink. Typical Polish meals.
  5. Shopping – asking about prices, quantity etc. Ordinal numbers
  6. Directions – asking for and giving directions. Verbs of motion. Adjectives and adverbs.  
  7. Telephone conversations in Polish. The instrumental case of nouns and adjectives. The use of “nie ma” in Polish.  
  8. Contacting the doctor. Staying in a hospital. Going to the pharmacy.  Expressing mental and physical states of health.
  9. Travelling – different kinds of  transportation. Transport by bus, taxi, train and plane, reading and asking about timetables, buying tickets, and making reservations.
  10. Giving greetings and good wishes. How to give special greetings on holidays, birthdays and on other special occasions.
  11. Adjectives – syntax of adjectives in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees. Comparison of adverbs.
  12. Services – at the hotel, restaurant, hair-dresser’s. Banking services. 
  13. Extreme situations – calling the police, emergency  services. Asking for help. Describing the place and circumstances. 
  14. Future – locating actions in the future. Planning and predicting. 
  15. Final test. 

Basic literature:

  1. Burkat A., Jasińska A., Hurra!!! Po polsku 1 (A1), Kraków 2005 [CD].
  2. Drwal-Straszakowa Katarzyna, Martyniuk Waldemar, Powiedz to po polsku. Say it in Polish (A1), Kraków 2006.
  3. Gałyga Danuta, Ach, ten język polski. Ćwiczenia komunikacyjne dla początkujących, Kraków 2001 [CD].
  4. Stempek, A. Stelmach, Krok po kroku, Glossa, Kraków 2010
  5. Dembińska, A. Małyska, Start I, Klub Dialog, Warszawa 2010 

Additional literature:

  1. Bartnicka B., Dąbkowski G., Jekiel W., Uczymy się polskiego, Warszawa 1995. 
  2. Burzyńska A., Anna Dąbrowska, Urszula Dobesz, Małgorzata Pasieka, Z Wrocławiem w tle. Zadania testowe z języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców. Poziom podstawowy, średni zaawansowany, Atut - Wrocławskie Wydaw. Oświatowe, Wrocław 2005.
  3. Dąbrowska A., Burzyńska-Kamieniecka A., Dobesz U., Pasieka M., Z Wrocławiem w tle. Zadania testowe z języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców. poziom podstawowy, średni i zaawansowany, Wrocław 2005.
  4. Lipińska E., Z polskim na ty. Podręcznik do nauczania języka polskiego dla stopnia progowego, Kraków 2003.
  5. Miodunka W., Uczymy się polskiego, [kurs video] 1996. 
  6. Rybicka E., Nie taki diabeł straszny. Podręcznik do nauczania słownictwa i gramatyki dla początkujących, Kraków 1990.
  7. Serafin B., Aleksandra Achtelik, Miło mi panią poznać. Język polski w sytuacjach komunikacyjnych, Katowice 2001. 
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