Department of Foreign Languages

Conversation course in specialist academic English at C1 level

Curriculum for the subject:

Intensive specialist conversational English course

level C1, 12 hours



  1. to improve language skills necessary in various situations of academic life. situations of academic life.
  2. to develop the ability to use an appropriate linguistic register to be adapted to different language situations typical of the academic environment
  3. To develop the ability to express oneself freely in various situations of academic life.


  1. has an adequate range of linguistic means to communicate freely in an academic environment
  2. has knowledge of different language behaviours in both formal and informal situations
  3. has the ability to apply his/her knowledge in a foreign culture; is aware of the linguistic needs necessary to communicate in cooperation with foreign language partners.

Content of the programme: TOPICS

  1. To develop and present one's own academic profile (biography, academic interests, scientific activities, publications, distinctions and awards academic community, participation in scientific conferences and research projects research projects).
  2. Scientific activities (conducting experiments, processing and analysing data and research data and research results, publication of results, presentation of applied methods used and results obtained).
  3. Participation in scientific conferences and projects (submitting a presentation to a conference, giving a presentation,  commenting, expressing opinions and Participate in seminar discussions).
  4. Working with scientific texts (analysing texts, summarising an article, leading discussion in relation to the presented material).
  5. "Improving the competences of students of the Faculty of Chemistry in response to the needs of the labour market"


Lexical and grammatical structures in accordance with the topics and language functions.



  1. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell, Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press


  1. Teacher's own materials.
  2. Ken Paterson, Roberta Wedge, Oxford Grammar for EAP, Oxford University Press
  3. Adrian Wallwork, English for Presentations at International Conferences, Springer
  4. Adrian Wallwork, English for Research: Usage, Style and Grammar, Springer
  5. Key Words for Chemical Engineering, Collins Cobuild
  6. David Porter, Check Your Vocabulary for Academic English, Macmillan
  7. Tamzen Armer, Cambridge English for Scientists, Cambridge University Press



  1. Understands the content of lectures, discussions and academic presentations.
  2. Understands statements on various topics related to functioning in an academic environment.


  1. Can understand scientific and specialist texts related to his/her own speciality or to related specialities.
  2. Can gather and critically analyse information included in scientific and specialised texts.
  3. is able to use English language materials.


  1. The student will be able to present himself/herself, his/her academic surroundings, the studied discipline and the scientific research carried out.
  2. Is able to give a short conference presentation related to his/her field of study
  3. The student will be able to take part in discussions (formal and informal) on topics related to the academic environment.
  4. Can take an active part in seminar discussions


The student is aware of the language needs in the academic centres and in the cooperation with English speaking partners.

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