Department of Foreign Languages

Technical English course at B2 level preparing participants for the Mondiale exam




  1. to develop communicative competence for professional and informal needs.
  2. To improve language skills acquired in earlier stages of learning.
  3. to support own work.


  1. knows and uses grammatical structures typical of specialised and
    They are able to read specialist texts.
  2. The student will use specialist vocabulary connected with the studied discipline and
    The student will be able to search for information in the field of science and technology.
  3. The student will be able to search for information in various sources in English, interpret and analyse it.

TOPICS - programme contents:

  1. basic terminology in mathematics, physics and chemistry; physical and chemical properties (4 hours)
  2. Periodic table of elements; chemical reactions, reagents, etc.; reading chemical reactions chemical reactions (4 hrs)
  3. Materials and their properties; classification, treatments and combinations (4 hrs)
  4. Chemical laboratory equipment (2 hrs) 5.
  5. Chemical processes (distillation, fermentation, filtration, crystallization, etc.) (6 hrs)
  6. hydrocarbons (4 hrs)
  7. Polymers (4 hrs)
  8. chemical industry: pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, petrochemicals (6 hrs)
  9. Chemistry in the human environment (food and clothing preservation; cleaning agents etc.) (2 hrs)
  10. nanotechnology in medicine and industry (4 hrs)
  11. Biotechnology in industry and agriculture (8 hrs)
  12. genetic engineering (4 hrs)


Vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to describe graphs, give oral presentations

oral presentations and writing reports, formal letters and e-mails; lexical material

lexical material consistent with the aforementioned curriculum contents.


  1. Gallager R.M., Ingram P., Complete Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2000
  2. Harwood R., Lodge I., Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Coursebook, Fourth edition, Cambridge University Press, 2014
  3. McCarthy J., White T., Understanding Chemistry, The Education Company of Ireland, 2004,
  4. McCarthy M., O'Dell F., Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2009
  5. Vince M., French A., IELTS Language Practice, Macmillan, 2011
  6. teacher's own materials



  1. Understands speech on a variety of general and specialised topics;
  2. Understands the main points of lectures, presentations on general and specialised subjects in their field.
  3. Understands discussions between native speakers on well-known general and specialised topics in his/her field of specialisation;


  1. Understands specialised texts related to his/her own speciality. Can understand specialised texts related to his/her own or neighbouring specialities. Can gather and critically analyse information included in specialist texts.
  2. Can use a variety of authentic materials in English (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, lexicons, etc.)



  1. write a short text on specialised topics in his/her field (e.g. a report) .
  2. write formal texts ( e.g. mail, letter )



  1. present descriptions of issues in his/her own field of interest and specialization;
  2. summarise a specialised text, present and comment on information contained, e.g., in a diagram or chart
  3. summarize a specialised text, present and comment on information contained e.g. in a diagram or a chart
  4. talk about/discuss specialist topics related to their field of study
  5. talk/discuss on specialist subjects related to their field of study or related fields.
  6. formulate opinions, present arguments, instructions
  7. prepare and deliver a presentation on a topic of their choice


Is aware of the role of communication in English in a professional environment, participates (function) in international undertakings; applies acquired language skills to his/her own professional development

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