Department of Foreign Languages

Terms and conditions


Intensive English Course EPC

  1. The English and English Language Center for Foreigners conducts courses in the English language and directional subjects. English is taught at different levels depending on the level of proficiency of recruited students.
  2. The English course includes 600 hours of study and is divided into 2 semesters or 300 hours of study lasting 1 semester .
  3. The academic year runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following calendar year.
  4. The course may start at a later date depending on the organizational capacity of the Center and the approval of the Rector.
  5. A student enrolled in the course masters the language to the required level on his/her own.
  6. The head of the OJC may refuse to admit a student to the group if due to his/her initial, prolonged absenteeism, it is determined that they are unlikely to to make up the material and pass the course.
  7. English classes are held 5 times a week, 4 hours per day, at a time determined by the University.
  8. The preparatory course - in addition to the English language - includes the teaching of directional subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Polish language, and computer science. The choice of subjects and the number of hours of a given subject depend on the direction of future studies and the size of the groups. They are determined by the head of the Center.
  9. Major subjects are taught in English and begin in advanced groups from the beginning of the course, while novice groups begin in the second semester of the course.
  10. Each semester ends with a passing grade in all taught subjects.
  11. The course ends with an exam in each subject taught.
  12. At the beginning of the course, the instructors provide the conditions and deadlines for passing the courses and exams.
  13. The following grading scale is used for semester credits and final exams:
    very good 5.0 90%-100%
    good plus 4.5 81%-89.99%
    good 4.0 72%-80.99%

    satisfactory plus
    3.5 63%-71.99%
    satisfactory 3.0 55%-62.99%
    unsatisfactory 2.0 0%-54.99%
  14. No grade or a failing grade means failing the course.
  15. The course ends with an exam in each subject taught.
  16. The prerequisite for taking the final exam is regular participation in classes (min 70% attendance) and obtaining positive final grades in all subjects.
  17. The Englishh exam consists of a written part and an oral part.
  18. The written exam consists of four parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammatical correctness and writing.
  19. To pass the written exam, you must obtain a minimum of 55% (and a minimum of 50% on each part of the written exam).
  20. Obtaining a failing grade on the written part of the exam will result in the participant's inadmissibility to the oral exam.
  21. The date of the make-up exam is set no earlier than 7 days from the date of the failed written exam.
  22. A student will be struck from the list of course participants in case of:
    1. permanent 2-week unexcused absence
    2. missed a minimum of 3 days of study in each week of one month
    The Foreigners Department and the Border Guard will be immediately informed should a student be struck from the list of participants.
  23. Students are required to:
    1. within 2 days of the start of the absence, notify the group supervisor by e-mail about the dates and the reason for the absence,
    2. provide 2 copies of the signed Agreement on Educational Services for the Provision of Preparatory English Language Course for Foreigners to the Foreign Language Study by September 10,
    3. conduct themselves in accordance with these Regulations and comply with the regulations of the University,
    4. observe academic customs and respect academic authorities,
    5. behave with dignity within Wroclaw University of Technology and outside its walls,
    6. respect the property of the University,
    7. participate in curricular and extracurricular classes, and take examinations and meet other requirements, as stipulated in the course program,
    8. familiarize themselves with the orders, instructions and information announced by the OJC,
    9. promptly notify the OJC of changes in name, place of residence, mailing address and email address.
    10. For conduct offending the dignity of a member of the academic community of Wroclaw University of Technology or violation of applicable regulations, the student shall be liable to the academic authorities of the University.

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50-370 Wrocław. The collection and processing of personal data means, among other things, issuing certificates, certificates and providing information by mail and electronically about the status of the student of the Polish and English Language Center for Foreigners at Wrocław University of Technology.
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