- By decision of the Rector, Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A. was appointed as the Director of the DFL for the term 2024-2028.
The functions of Vice-Directors are performer by:
- Agnieszka Mędrecka-Kondak, M.A. – Vice-Director for Education and Staff Development,
- Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A. – Vice-Director for Student Affairs and Internationalisation,
- Anna Kania, M.A. – Vice-Director for Organisation. -
The functions of Head Sections in the term 2024-2028 are performed by:
- Dorota Pytel, M.A. – Head of English Language Section,
- Aleksandra Gierczak-Bujak, M.A. – Deputy Head of English Language Section,
- Beata Brocka, M.A. – Head of German Language Section,
- Ewa Dmowska, M.A. – Head of Romance and Slavic Languages Section,
- Anna Dudek-Kajewska – Head of Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners. -
The Director of the DFL appointed the following plenipotentiaries:
- Magdalena Hołowko, M.A – Plenipotentiary for Students with Special Needs,
- Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A. – Plenipotentiary for Internationalisation,
- Mariusz Stanisz, M.A. – Plenipotentiary for Promotion,
- Aleksandra Kuźniak, M.A. – Plenipotentiary for Staff Training,
- Monika Szela-Badzińska, PhD – Plenipotentiary for Translations. -
The Director of the DFL appointed the following coordinators for exams and certificate courses:
- Agnieszka Krzos, M.A., for the ACERT exam,
- Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A., for the TELC exam,
- Izabela Koszutska, M.A., for certificate courses. -
The Director of the DFL appointed for the term 2024-2028:
- Department Committee for Assuring the Quality of Education, chaired by Magdalena Pracławska, M.A.,
- Department Committee for Lesson Observation, chaired by Beata Jaśkowska-Derechowska, M.A.,
- Assessment Committee at the DFL, chaired by Aleksandra Więckowska, PhD. -
On 1 October 2024, Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A., the Director of the DFL, received the Medal of the National Education Commission - the highest distinction awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science for special merits for education and upbringing.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, further education courses in English and German, certificate courses in English and further education courses in English and Spanish for the Lower Silesian Chamber of Architects started at the DFL.
On 24 October 2024, the second edition of ‘Around Great Britain in 80 minutes’ competition for high school students was organised at the DFL (coordinators and organisers: A. Kania, M.A., D. Rawa, M.A., A. Mirowska, M.A., Z. Wiszniowska, M.A.). Teams and teachers from high schools in Wrocław and Bolesławiec took part in the event. The winning team represented the Academic High School of WUST.
In October 2024, another session of the ACERT exam was held at the DFL.
In the winter semester, as part of the additional offer, professional development and certificate courses started at the DFL, including courses organised in cooperation with the Lower Silesian Regional Chamber of Architects.
On 6 November 2024, in the framework of the Unite! project, which is the alliance of technological universities, a combined class for WUST and TU Graz students was organised (coordinator: Agnieszka Mirowska, M.A.).
On 8 November 2024, the following lectures and workshops were held at WUST, as part of the ‘Night of the University of Technology’ initiative, organised by the Promotion Office of WUST:
- ‘Discovering Switzerland - Jungfraujoch Pass’ - lecture by Krzysztof Okulewicz, M.A.;
- ‘British cuisine - some myths and facts’ - lecture by Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A.;
- ‘Peruvian Tales’ - workshop by Magdalena Zalewska M.A.;
- ‘Robots in Japan’ - lecture by Ota Toyotaka, PhD.
On behalf of WUST, the event was coordinated by Dominika Rawa, M.A. -
On 19 November 2024, the representatives of the DFL took part in a university-wide ‘Night-time Letter Writing’ event. During the event, the DFL employees wrote letters by hand, asking for donations to the scholarship fund for students with disabilities.
The first stage of the Language Tournament took place at the DFL on 22 and 23 November 2024. 186 students participated in the 23rd edition of the DFL language event.
The final of the Language Tournament was held on 7 December 2024. Prof. Kamil Staniec, the Vice-Rector for Education and the honorary patron and sponsor of the Tournament, attended the gala. The tournament was coordinated by Paulina Rogulska, M.A.
- As of the 1st of October 2023, Anna Dudek-Kajewska, M.A., was appointed the head of the Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners.
- In October 2023, three professional development courses were launched at the DFL: ‘Innovations in Science and Technology – a conversation course, C1 level’ and ‘Conversation course at B2 level’ (A. Więckowska, PhD) and ‘Deutsch in der Firma – a conversation course in German at A2+/B1 level’ (A. Kania, M.A.).
- On 27 October 2023, the final of the 18th National German Language Olympiad for Students of Technical Universities was held at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. The WUST students were extremely successful in the competition, taking the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 9th place.
- The next edition of the Night of WUST, organised by the Promotion Office of WUST, took place on 17 and 18 November 2023. The DFL presented two workshops at the event: ‘A journey to the world of classical music' (N. Ziobrowska, M.A.) and ‘With treasures on a treasure hunt - playing pirates in English‘ (M. Hołowko, M.A.).
- On 9 December 2023, the final of the 22nd Language Tournament, organised under the honorary patronage of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Piotr Górski PhD Eng., took place at the DFL (coordinator: P. Rogulska M.A.).
- On 19 January 2024, the first stage of the 25th National English Language Olympiad for Technical University Students was held at the DFL (coordinator: J. Morawska, M.A.).
- On 6 and 7 February 2024, the 21st Development Days were organised at the DFL (coordinator: A. Kuźniak, M.A.). The employees participated in methodological workshops and discussion meetings.
- In the summer semester 2023/2024, professional development courses for students and academic staff, as well as courses for the Lower Silesian Chamber of Architects, started at the DFL.
- On 20 and 21 April 2024, the DFL organised another examination session of the State Certificate in Polish as a Foreign Language at B1 and C1 levels.
- Between 11 and 29 April 2024, the third edition of the ‘Top Skills’ project took place under the honorary patronage of the Vice-Rector for Education, Professor Kamil Staniec (coordinators: A. Kania, M.A., and M. Hamryszak - Sierpowska, M.A.). As part of this project, five webinars were conducted in English with the purpose of developing soft skills of our students and doctoral students.
- On 11 May 2024, the final of the 25th National English Language Olympiad for Technical University Students was held in Poznań. The students representing Wrocław University of Science and Technology took the 2nd and 9th place (coordinator: J. Morawska M.A.).
- On 16 May 2024, stage 1 of the 19th National German Language Olympiad for Students of Technical Universities, organised by the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, took place at the DFL (coordinator: K. Rzemiński, M.A.).
- From 20 to 24 May 2024, the first International Week was organised at the DFL (coordinator: M. Hamryszak - Sierpowska, M.A.). The event was attended by academic teachers of English and Spanish from France, Turkey, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, Germany, the Czech Republic and Croatia. The programme of the International Week included methodological workshops, visiting and conducting classes by our guests, as well as the tours of Wrocław and the campus. In addition, two open meetings were held for lecturers of the DFL and students of our university.
- In May 2024, the Director of the Foreign Language Centre, Iwona Frankiewicz M.A., was elected to the Senate of Wrocław University of Science and Technology for the term 2024-2028.
- From 20 to 25 May 2024, as part of the Language Juvenalia, a number of workshops and competitions with intercultural themes were organised at the DFL. This year's edition was titled ‘Languages in Olympic shape’ (coordinator: M. Zalewska M.A.).
- On 22 and 23 June 2024, the next examination session of the State Certificate in Polish as a Foreign Language at B1 level was held at the DFL.
- In June 2024, the Programme Committee of the DFL completed the development of the new programmes of study and Subject Cards, which will be effective from the academic year 2025/2026.
- On 1 and 2 June 2024, the 22nd Development Days took place at the DFN (coordinator: A. Kuźniak, M.A.). The academic staff took part in methodological workshops and meetings conducted by external trainers and university staff.
- On 17 and 18 September 2024, language workshops and lectures were held at the DFL as part of the new edition of the Lower Silesian Science Festival (coordinators: A. Kania M.A. and D. Rawa M.A.). During the Festival a competition for high school students, called ‘Around Great Britain in 80 minutes’, was also organised.
- Agata Wardyńska, M.A., was appointed as the manager the Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners.
- Aleksandra Kuźniak, M.A., was appointed as the Director’s Plenipotentiary for Trainings and Walentyna Krawczenko, M.A., the Plenipotentiary for Internationalisation.
- In autumn, the 21 st Language Tournament took place (coordinator: P. Rogulska, M.A.,).
- On the 18 th and 19 th of November 2022, the Department of Foreign Languages participated in a new promotional event: WUST by night, two workshops were given by W. Krawczenko and M. Hołowko)
- In February 2023 another edition of the Development Days was organised (coordinator: A. Kuźniak)
- In cooperation with Santander Bank Polska S.A., the second edition of the proprietary project Santander Language Academy Top Skills WUST DFL – 5 online webinars in English. The topics encompassed the development of soft and language skills in working environment. The number of participants was 638 students from 67 universities in Poland (coordinators: A. Kania, M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska).
- In May 2023 another edition of Juwenalia was organised in DFL, the name this year was Travelnalia. (coordinator: M. Zalewska).
- In May 2023, the English Olympiad for Technical University students took place, WUST students took the 2nd, 3 rd and 4 th place.
- On 12 May 2023 the 25 th Polish Language Olympiad for Foreign Students took place. WUST students took the 2 nd and 3 rd place.
- Between 3 and 5 July 2023, the Development Days were held at the DFL (coordinator: A. Kuźniak, M.A.). The staff had the opportunity to participate in 8 training workshops and in a ‘Living Library’ discussion meeting with people with disabilities.
- From 9 to 14 July 2023, the 7th edition of the Tandem Project, organised in collaboration with Hochschule Hannover, took place (coordinators: A. Kania, M.A., from WUST and A. Zadikian from HH Language Center). The project included language courses for students and a tandem programme. It involved 16 students from WUST and 16 students from Hochschule Hannover.
- On 13 September 2023, the DFL presented itself at the next edition of the High School Graduate Fair, organised by the ‘Perspektywy’ Education Foundation and the Promotion Office of WUST. During the event, M. Kondro, M.A., gave a presentation to high school students on: ‘Language education - What does language learning give us and how can it change our way of studying?’.
- On 20 and 21 September 2023, another edition of the Lower Silesian Science Festival took place (coordinators: A. Kania, M.A., and D. Rawa, M.A.). During those days, workshops in English, Japanese, German, Spanish and French were carried out at the DFL. As part of the Festival, a competition for high school students, called ‘Around Great Britain in 80 minutes’, was also conducted.
- The motto for the whole academic year 2021/2022 was the 70 th anniversary of the Department of Foreign Languages “The world at our doorstep for 70 years”, it was created by Magdalena Kondro, M.A., who won a competition open to all DFL staff.
- In autumn, the 20 th Language Tournament took place (coordinator: P. Rogulska, M.A.,).
- The Department continued the projects: “Welcome to Poland” (coordinator: J. Kozieja-Ruta, M.A.,)” „Deutsch ist ein Plus” (coordinator: B. Brocka, M.A.,).
- As part of cooperation with the social and economic environment, the Department of Foreign Languages continued the project run together with KGHM Cuprum: English for doctoral students in the industrial doctoral programme and specialist courses for the Lower Silesian Chamber of Architects (coordinator: M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.,).
- In December 2021, by the decision of the Department Council, the DFL applied for an environmental accreditation to SERMO. DFL is the first language centre in Poland which rose to the challenge of undergoing the external assessment of language education.
- In December 2021, the competition for a new DFL logo open to all DFL staff members was decided.
- Due to the pandemic, the University decided to use hybrid teaching. From 24 November 21 to 14 March 22 classes were taught online, in the remaining part of the academic – face-to-face.
- In February 2022, a new edition of Development Days took place (8 trainings).
- On 16 March 2022, a jury consisting of: Vice-Rector for Education prof. Agnieszka Bieńkowska, DFL representative Paulina Rogulska, M.A., representative of doctoral students Wojciech Żuławiński, M.Sc., Eng., students’ representative Adam Pawleta, and the DFL Director Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A., decided the Time capsule competition open to the whole academic community and selected 10 items which would be buried underground in a special time capsule during the celebration of the 70 th Anniversary of the Department of Foreign Languages. The selected items were as follows: FFP2 mask – symbol of the pandemic and isolation (M. Hołowko), Smartphone — fear of missing out symbol (M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska), a Wrocław dwarf (M. Hołowko), tracksuit bottoms — symbol of the most common outfit for online work (J. Morawska), key — a worth remembering objects which is becoming obsolete (H. Hoai), Gazeta Wyborcza of 25 February 2022 breaking the war in Ukraine news (D. Pytel), world map — world map with borders as of March 2022 (A.Tonguç), plastic carrier bag — welfare symbol of half of the world and at the same time the poverty of the other half (A.E. Elmas), Plant seeds with instructions how to grow them so the future generations can reproduce contemporary plants (R.Vatansever), paper and pen — common objects used to remember information, now becoming obsolete (Y. Serinyel)
- Two new coordinators were appointed, Agnieszka Krzos, M.A., is responsible for Acert and Izabela Koszutska, M.A., for certification.
- In May 2022, the English Olympiad for Technical University students took place, WUST students took the 1st, 2nd, and 6 th place. As many as 4 WUST students were ranked in the top ten group of participants.
- At the turn of May and June, there was photo exhibition of DFL employees’ works, it was a part of the anniversary exhibition, one more form of celebrations wa recording interviews with DFL employees and retired employees.
- In May, a beautiful mural was unveiled on the ground floor of the building H4. The authoress is an architecture student Iga Domowicz whose project won in a competition. The mural was unveiled by HM Rector.
- In May, the time capsule was buried, it will be dug out in 30 years to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of DFL. Possibly, new items will be added and it will buried again. A commemorative stone with a plaque, a communication bench, and a DFL tree were three elements commemorating the 70 th Anniversary.
- In June the project 70 words in 70 days took place and there was also a DFL quiz for all WUST employees.
- In May 2022, the DFL received the SERMO accreditation with distinction for 4 years.
- In July 2022, the Jubilee Gala, during which the SERMO accreditation was handed over to DFL, took place.
- By the decision of the Rector, Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A., was appointed Director of the Department of Foreign Languages for the 2020-2024 term of office.
The functions of Vice-Directors are performed by:
Agnieszka Florczyk, M.A. - Vice-Director for Full-time Studies and Staff Development,
Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A. - Vice-Director for Part-time Studies, Doctoral Studies and Internationalisation,
Anna Kania, M.A. - Vice-Director for Organisation.
The Heads of Language Sections are:
Dorota Pytel, M.A. - Head of English Language Section,
Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A. - Deputy Head of English Language Section,
Beata Brocka, M.A. - Head of German Language Section,
Ewa Dmowska, M.A. - Head of Romance and Slavic Languages Section,
Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A. - Head of Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners. - The Director of the Department of Foreign Languages appointed the following plenipotentiaries:
Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A., Plenipotentiary for Certification and Exams,
Magdalena Hołowko, M.A., Plenipotentiary for Students with Special Needs,
Ewa Bogusz-Broy M.A., Plenipotentiary for Promotion,
Alicja Mazurkiewicz M.A., Plenipotentiary for Staff Training,
Monika Szela, PhD, Plenipotentiary for Translations. - Anna Dudek-Kajewska, M.A., has been appointed Head of the Education Quality Assurance Team and Aleksandra Więckowska, PhD, is still heading the Education Quality Assessment Team.
- Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A., became a member of the Senate of WUST in the 2020-2024 term of office.
- By the decision of the Director, a new Team for Staff Training was created. All four existing teams, i.e. the Team for Certification, Translations, Promotion and Internationalisation, are going to continue their activity.
- On January 1, 2021, on a proposal of the Director of the Department of Foreign Languages, the name of the Section for Teaching Foreigners was renamed to the Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners (Ośrodek Języka Polskiego i Angielskiego dla Cudzoziemców).
- The Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners obtained NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange) accreditation for teaching intensive Polish courses.
- 19th Language Tournament was held as usual (coordinator: P. Rogulska, M.A.).
- The Department of Foreign Languages continued its work on the following projects: “Welcome to Poland” (coordinator: J. Kozieja-Ruta, M.A.)” “Deutsch ist ein Plus” (coordinator: B. Brocka, M.A.).
- Five tutors from DFL continued their participation in the international project “Masters of Didactics”; in 2021 two other teachers joined the project.
- As part of our cooperation with the social and economic environment, DFL continued its work on the “English for PhD candidates participating in the Implementation Doctoral Programme” project in cooperation with KGHM Cuprum, and specialist courses for the Lower Silesian Chamber of Architects (coordinator: M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.).
- In the 22nd English Olympiad for Technical University Students our students took an honourable 2nd and 6th place.
- 11th Language Juvenalia was held online due to the COVID19 pandemic. There were 6 competitions and 6 workshops (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A., Head of Organisational Committee: M. Zalewska, M.A.).
- Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 16th German Olympiad for Technical University Students was held in May 2021 (Stage I) and Stage II was postponed to autumn 2021.
- In June, DFL was invited by Prof. A. Bieńkowska, Vice-Rector for Education, to participate in the WUST Congress on remote learning.
- Due to the pandemic conditions, classes were taught online. About 95% of surveyed students participating in such classes rated them as excellent.
- The DFL Development Days encompassed methodology trainings on online teaching tools (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.).
- In the 24th Lower Silesian Science Festival, teachers organised as many as 18 various online language events. (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.).
- DFL submitted two projects to the Polish competition: European Language Label 2021 – a European award encouraging the development of innovative techniques and initiatives in language learning (granted by the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and the Minister of Education and Science). The International Project Tandem was one of five projects awarded in Poland. In September, the project coordinator: A. Kania, M.A. participated in the awards ceremony. The Virtual Polyglot (coordinator: I. Frankiewicz, M.A.) was distinguished as a good educational practice and Ms Frankiewicz received official congratulations.
- The Silver Medal for Long Service was awarded to: Jacek Bednarczuk, M.A. and Marta Iżykowska-Staruch, M.A., Gold Medal for Long Service was awarded to: Izabela Koszutska, M.A., Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A., Jolanta Szabla; Bronze Medal for Long Service was awarded to: Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.
- The Rector’s Award was granted to: Agnieszka Florczyk, M.A., Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A., Anna Kania, M.A., Beata Brocka, M.A., Ewa Dmowska, M.A., Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A., Dorota Pytel, M.A., Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A., Anna Dudek-Kajewska, M.A., Ewa Bogusz-Broy, M.A., Magdalena Hołowko, M.A., Renata Kasprzak, M.A., Izabela Koszutska, M.A., Agnieszka Krężel, M.A., Alicja Mazurkiewicz, M.A., Agnieszka Mirowska, M.A., Małgorzata Tomala, M.A., Marta Iżykowska-Staruch, M.A., Joanna Grusiecka, M.A., Agnieszka Rożek, M.A., Dagmara Szałęga, PhD, Tomasz Włodarski, PhD, Magdalena Pracławska, M.A., Zofia Paroń, M.A., Ewa Juszczyk, M.A., Marzena Popiel, M.A., Piotr Reizer, M.Sc., and Jerzy Walczak.
- The Gold Badge of the University of Science and Technology was awarded to: Aleksandra Gierczak-Bujak, M.A., Izabela Penderecka-Mosiek, M.A., and Małgorzata Tomala, M.A.
- The Docendo Discimus Award for outstanding teaching achievements went to Magdalena Kondro, M.A.
- Three long-time administration employees retired: Jolanta Szabla, Zofia Nachjan and Bogusław Bugno.
- All classrooms and staff rooms were painted, and new furniture was provided. Room 112 was extensively renovated and adapted for conferences and meetings. Now it is also another air-conditioned room in DFL.
- The DFL structure was reorganised - the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners was transformed into the Section for Teaching Foreigners (Zespół Nauczania Cudzoziemców). The team is still managed by J. Kozieja-Ruta, M.A.
- The special “Docendo Discimus” award for outstanding teaching achievements went to Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A.
- The National Education Commission Medal was awarded to Irina Modrzycka, Professor of WUST.
- The Golden Badge of Wrocław University of Science and Technology was awarded to Alicja Mazurkiewicz, M.A., Elena Kotlarczyk, M.A., and Grażyna Korzeń, M.A.
- The Rector’s Award was received by J. Bednarczuk, M.A., B. Brocka, M.A., E. Dmowska, M.A., A. Florczyk, M.A., M. Górecki, M.A., A. Gierczak-Bujak, M.A., M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A., M. Kondro, M.A., J. Kozieja-Ruta, M.A., M. Lamek, M.A., Ł. Mally, M.A., I. Modrzycka, Professor of WUST, E. Mroczka, M.A., T. Ota, PhD, D. Pytel, M.A., P. Rogulska, M.A., U. Romańczuk, M.A., A. Rożek, M.A., E. Szczawińska, M.A., A. Szczepanowska, M.A., M. Zalewska, M.A., E. Juszczyk, M.A.
- The Director’s Award went to Marta Iżykowska-Staruch, M.A., Julia Klyus, M.A., Grażyna Korzeń, M.A., Walentyna Krawczenko, M.A., Joanna Morawska, M.A.
- The Department of Foreign Languages of WUST was the originator of the organization of the International conference “Success in Learning and Language Education” on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Polish studies in Wrocław in cooperation with SPNJO of the University of Wrocław and Lviv Polytechnic; the conference was to be chaired by Prof. Irina Modrzycka (WUST), Aleksandra Matkowska, M.A. (UWr), Prof. Natalia Mukan (PL). The conference did not take place due to a coronavirus outbreak.
- 18th Language Tournament took place (coordinator: P. Rogulska, M.A.).
- The Department continued with the implementation of the projects: “Welcome to Poland”. (coordinator: J. Kozieja-Ruta, M.A.), “Share your culture, share your language” (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.), “Deutsch ist ein Plus” (coordinator: I. Frankiewicz, M.A.), “Tandem”. (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.) and “Senior” (coordinator: M. Zwiefka, PhD).
- DFL participated in the international project “Masters of didactics” (coordinator: E. Szczawińska, M.A.).
- Within the framework of cooperation with the social and economic environment DFL continued the project “English language for doctoral students pursuing implementation doctorate” in cooperation with KGHM Cuprum company, as well as specialist courses for Lower Silesian Chamber of Architects (coordinator: M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.).
- Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, became the first associate professor in the history of DFL.
- Due to the pandemic in the summer semester, classes were held in remote teaching mode.
- As part of the “DFL Development Days”, methodological training and training in the use of remote teaching tools were held (coordinated by I. Frankiewicz, M.A.).
- The 10th Jubilee Language Juvenalia were held. During the pandemic, the project entitled “VIRtualia Językowe 2020” was realised remotely (coordinator: Ł. Mally, M.A., chair of the organising committee: M. Zalewska, M.A.).
- During the pandemic, DFL implemented the project “Week of world culture at DFL” on its website (coordinator: I. Modrzycka, Professor of WUST).
- Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A., was elected a member of the Senate of WUST for the next term from the group of employees who are neither full nor associate professors.
- Within the framework of the XXI Lower Silesian Science Festival, our Department conducted 21 language events in different languages for schoolchildren, including for the first time for students of special schools (coordinator: Z. Wiszniowska, M.A.).
- DFL was the organiser of the 27th International IATEFL Conference (Chair of the Organising Committee J. Leszkiewicz, M.A.).
- In 2018, for the first time, DFL employees were presented with the Director’s Award for special contribution to the development of the Study. The award was given to D. Rozwadowski, M.A., M. Fyall, H. Stanisławczyk, M.A., Z. Paroń, M.A., M. Górecki, M.A.
- The 17th Language Tournament took place (coordinator: P. Rogulska, M.A.).
- DFL obtained new room and from own funds financed renovation and equipping of new didactic room, in which participants of preparatory language courses for foreigners learn.
- The Centre continues to implement projects: “Welcome to Poland”. (coordinator: J. Kozieja-Ruta, M.A.), “Share your culture, share your language”. (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.), “Deutsch ist ein Plus” (coordinator: I. Frankiewicz, M.A.) (coordinator: I. Frankiewicz, M.A.), “Tandem”. (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.) and “Senior”. (coordinator: M. Zwiefka, PhD).
- DFL participates in university-wide projects “Innovative university - Innovative teacher”. (coordinator: Ł. Mally, M.A.), “Strategic development directions of Wrocław University of Science and Technology as an international research university”. (coordinator: I. Modrzycka, Prof. of WUST) and “Masters of didactics”. (coordinator: E. Szczawińska, M.A.).
- As part of cooperation with the social and economic environment, DFL implements a new project “English language for doctoral students pursuing an implementation doctorate” in cooperation with KGHM Cuprum, and also organises specialist courses for Dolnośląska Izba Architektów (coordinator: M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska).
- The Silver Medal for Long Service for exemplary, conscientious performance of duties resulting from professional work was awarded to Anna Dudek-Kajewska.
- Within the framework of “Development Days” methodological, psychological and intercultural training for DFL employees took place (coordinator: I. Frankiewicz).
- The Department of Polish Language for Foreigners organised Polish Language Olympiad for foreigners: The first place was taken by Anastasiia Moskvitina, a student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from Ukraine, and the third prize was awarded to Pavel Klimuk from Belarus, a student of the preparatory course at the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners (Chairperson of the Organising Committee J. Kozieja-Ruta).
- In the 20th National English Language Olympiad of Universities of Technology in Poznań Filip Mykieta, a student of the Faculty of Electronics, took the 5th place.
- In the 14th National German Language Olympiad for Students of Universities of Technology organised by the Silesian University of Technology, Piotr Herud, a student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology from the Faculty of Computer Science was awarded the 2nd place, and Karolina Głuszek from the Faculty of Electronics took the 5th place.
- 9th Language Juvenalia “Language of Mathematics” were held (coordinator: Ł. Mally, chairman of the organising committee M. Zalewska).
- In July 2019. DFL hosted another edition of the “Tandem” project. Students of WUST participated together with German students from Hochschule Hannover in a Polish-German summer language school (organisers A. Kania and A. Skowronek).
- DFL organised 28 intercultural workshops for Students of WUST and doctoral students.
- DFL lecturers Agnieszka Gołaś, Julia Kluys, Agata Barańska-Szczepaniak and Katarzyna Hołojda-Mikulska were awarded doctoral degrees.
- A formal meeting of DFL staff was held to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Study.
- Plenipotentiaries of the Director were appointed:
for further education courses - Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.
for internationalisation - Anna Kania, M.A.
for translation - Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A.
for certification and examination - Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A.
Promotion - Aleksandra Krauze-Majtyka, PhD. - Aleksandra Więckowska, PhD, was appointed chairperson of the Education Quality Assessment Team.
- For the academic year 2017/18, 3 task teams were appointed:
Task Team for Internationalisation (coordinator: A. Kania)
Task Team for Translation (coordinator: K. Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A.)
Task Team for Promotion (coordinator: A. Krauze-Majtyka, PhD). - DFL participates in the University project “Innovative university - Innovative teacher”, Coordinator: Ł. Mally, M.A.
- The study centre continues to implement the projects:
„Welcome to Poland”
„Share your culture, share your language”
„Deutsch ist ein Plus”
„Senior”. - Izabela Koszutska M.A., Dorota Pytel M.A., Anna Tyszkiewicz M.A., Agnieszka Mędrecka-Kondak M.A., Janusz Derechowski and Krzysztof Okulewicz were awarded the Golden Badge of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
- In the 19th National English Language Olympiad of the Higher Technical Schools in Poznań, a student of WUST, Paweł Narolski, took the 3rd place, and Michał Bożek - the 8th place.
- In the 13th National German Language Olympiad for Students of Universities of Technology organised by the Silesian University of Technology, Patrycja Glomb, a student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, won the 1st place, while Jakub Woszczycki, a student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, won the 2nd place.
- Katarzyna Setkowicz from the Department of Romance and Slavic Languages was awarded the doctoral degree in the humanities.
- In cooperation with Hochschule Hannover, in July 2018 students of WUST participated in a Polish-German summer school in Germany (organizers Anna Kania and Aleksandra Skowronek, M.A.).
- The 8th Language Juvenalia “Wittigalia 2018” was held. (coordinator: Ł. Mally, chairperson of the organising committee M. Zalewska).
- Doc. Ph.D. Irina Modrzycka was appointed as the director of the Study for the term 2016 - 2020
- Iwona Frankiewicz was appointed Vice-Director for Didactics, and Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska was appointed Vice-Director for Part-time and Doctoral Studies
- Łukasz Mally, M.A. was appointed to the newly created position of Vice-Director for organisation
- The National Education Commission Medal was awarded to Renata Kasprzak M.A.
- The following have been appointed heads of language teams
English language team - Elżbieta Szczawińska, M.A. (team leader) and Agnieszka Florczyk M.A. (deputy team leader);
German Language Group - Beata Brocka, M.A.;
Romance and Slavic Languages team - Ewa Dmowska, M.A.;
Polish Language Study for Foreigners - Ms Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A. - The Rector’s award “Docendo discimus” for outstanding teaching achievements went to Renata Kasprzak, M.A.
- For the first time in its history the Faculty has a representative in the Senate of WUST - Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD was elected a senator.
- The German language team in cooperation with the Capgemini company implements the project ‘Deutsch ist ein Plus’.
- A plenipotentiary for internationalisation - Łukasz Mally, M.A. - was appointed.
- The DFL Virtual Learning Environment was revised and updated as part of an internal project.
- 14th Language Tournament took place, coordinator: I. Koszutska, M.A.
- Silver Medal for Long Service received I. Frankiewicz, M.A.
- The Golden Badge of Wrocław University of Science and Technology was awarded to M. Iżykowska-Staruch, M.A., M. Bednarski, M.A. and Z. Deka, M.A.
- 7th Language Juvenalia “Wild West and Mysterious East” took place (coordinator: Ł. Mally).
- On the occasion of the 65th anniversary, DFL received from the University Authorities a dwarf, which the students called “Poliglotek”. The Poliglotek has taken up residence in front of the H-4 building.
- WUST implemented a new project “Share your language, share your culture”. The author and coordinator of the project - A. Kania M.A.
- A working group consisting of Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A., Elżbieta Szczawińska, M.A., Beata Brocka, M.A., Ewa Dmowska, M.A., Agnieszka Florczyk, M.A., Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A., Romualda Kuźmińska, PhD, developed new curricula adapted to students’ needs and the requirements of the modern labour Market for B2.1, B2.2, C1.1, C1.2, B2+ and C1+. Based on the new programmes DFL has modernised the Virtual Learning Environment and developed many new teaching materials.
- In the 18th National English Language Olympiad of Universities of Technology 3 students of WUST were awarded 1st, 4th and 7th place.
- 16th National Polish Language Olympiad organised by the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners.
- XX Lower Silesian Science Festival was held, coordinated by K. Rzemiński, M.A.
- DFL participates in the Chemistry Faculty project “Competence development programme” with an offer of specialist English language courses (coordinator: Adriana Wojcieszyn, M.A.).
- The ACERT language certificate awarded by WUST changed its name to ACERT SERMO and is now a certificate recognised by all Polish universities associated in SERMO.
- Within the framework of cooperation with TU Magdeburg, E. Radomska, M.A., and P. Zgondek, M.A., participated in international methodological workshops.
- Monika Szela from the English Language Section obtained a doctoral degree in the humanities.
- 20 DFL employees went for foreign internships and language and methodological trainings within the Erasmus+ programme.
- Ewa Dmowska, M.A., was appointed as the head of the Romanic and Slavic Languages Group.
- A proxy for internationalisation - Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A. - was appointed.
- Six task teams were appointed for 2015-2017:
The Task Team for Teaching (coordinator: I. Frankiewicz, M.A.)
The Task Team for internationalisation (coordinator: M. Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.)
The Task Team for Certification (coordinator: J. Leszkiewicz, M.A.)
The Task Team for Translation (coordinator: K. Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A.)
The Task Team for Non-Teaching Activities (coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.)
The Task Team for DFL promotion (coordinator: I. Penderecka-Mosiek, M.A.) - New curricula for academic and specialist language teaching at B2.1 and B2.2 as well as C1.1 and C1.2 levels were introduced.
- XIV Language Tournament took place, coordinator: I. Koszutska, M.A.
- The DFL Education Quality Self-Assessment Report for 2014/15 received an “outstanding” rating from the WUST Education Quality Council.
- New strategic objectives and measures for their implementation were developed as part of the DFL Development Strategy for 2015-2020.
- The Silver Medal for Long Service was awarded to I. Frankiewicz, M.A.
- The Golden Badge of Wrocław University of Science and Technology was awarded to M. Iżykowska-Staruch, M.A., M. Bednarski, M.A., and Z. Deka, M.A.
- The sixth edition of the Students’ Days in Languages took place (coordinator: J. Grusiecka-Domagała, M.A.)
- As part of DFL’s cooperation with Hochschule Hannover, in July 2016 Students of WUST travelled to Hannover as part of the “Tandem” project. Project coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.
- 19th Lower Silesian Science Festival was held, coordinator: K. Rzemiński, M.A.
- DFL joined the Chemistry Faculty project “Competence development programme” with an offer of specialist English courses (coordinator: Adriana Wojcieszyn M.A.)
- As part of the cooperation with TU Magdeburg, a visit of the Management of the Foreign Languages Centre of the German university took place, which conducted a training within the DFL Development Days for German speakers, as well as a visit of the lecturers of the German Language Team (E. Radomska, M.A., P. Zgondek, M.A., K. Rzeminski, M.A.) to Magdeburg to participate in traditional international methodological workshops.
- The Medal of the National Education Commission was awarded to Marian Górecki, M.A.
- The function of Vice-Director for Part-time and Doctoral Studies for the academic year 2014-2015 is held by Marta Hamryszak-Sierpowska, M.A.
- The Education Quality Assessment and Assurance Committee was appointed.
- The Plenipotentiary for DFL certification - Joanna Leszkiewicz - was appointed.
- The Gold Medal for long service was awarded to A. Szczepanowska, M.A., and T. Staszewska, M.A.
- Silver Medal for long service received B. Jaśkowska-Derechowska, M.A.
- The report from the self-assessment of the quality of education of DFL has received an “outstanding” assessment by the Education Quality Council of WUST.
- 13th Language Tournament was held, coordinator: A. Florczyk, M.A.
- As a part of Language Juvenalia, a project “InterAction with the world” was realised, the chairperson of organising committee - J. Grusiecka-Domagała, M.A.
- 18th Lower Silesian Science Festival took place, coordinator: K. Rzemiński, M.A.
- The project “Santander Universidades” was finished, coordinator: A. Cach, M.A.
- As part of DFL’s cooperation with Hochschule Hannover, the next stage of the “Tandem” project took place in July 2015. DFL received German students in Wrocław. The project coordinator: A. Kania, M.A.
- 15th scientific and didactic conference “Multilingual, intercultural and integrative education in higher education” was held; chair of the Programme Committee - Docent R. Kuźmińska, PhD, chair of the Organising Committee - A. Cach, M.A.
- The “Docendo Discimus” award for outstanding teaching achievements was awarded to Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD.
- The Medal of the National Education Commission was awarded to: Małgorzata Stawska, M.A., and Janusz Strach, M.A.
- 10 Task Teams have been appointed to implement the DFL Development Strategy:
Task Team for Specialist Language Teaching (coordinator: Magdalena Kondro, M.A.)
Task Team for Teaching Scientific and Technical Language (coordinator: Adriana Wojcieszyn, M.A.)
Task Team for Further Education (coordinator: Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A.)
Task Team for e-learning, blended learning and new technologies (coordinator: Piotr Zgondek, M.A.)
The Task Team for Certification (coordinator: Joanna Wasilewska, M.A.)
The Task Team for Translation (coordinator: Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A.)
Task Team for Non-Teaching Activities (coordinator: Anna Kania, M.A.)
International Cooperation Task Group (coordinator: Elżbieta Szczawińska, M.A.)
Task Team for Development of Humanistic Skills (coordinator: Docent Helena Kajetanowicz, PhD)
Task Team for DFL promotion (coordinator: Izabela Penderecka-Mosiek, M.A.) - Within the framework of the cooperation between Wrocław University of Technology and Bank Zachodni WBK, the University developed and implements an internal project aimed at the promotion of the Spanish language and culture of Spanish-speaking countries in accordance with the global programme of Santander Universidades (Project Manager: Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD; coordinator: Aleksandra Cach, M.A.)
- The Quality Committee conducted a self-assessment of the quality of DFL activities. A Self-Assessment Report on the quality of DFL activity for the academic year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 was prepared for the university’s Education Quality Council (authors of the Report - Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, Docent Romualda Kuźmińska, PhD, Jacek Bednarczuk)
- As part of DFL’s cooperation with Hochschule Hannover, a group of Students of WUST and tutors - Polish language teacher Grażyna Balkowska, M.A., and German language teacher Anna Kania, M.A. - travelled to Hannover in July 2014. In addition to language courses, Polish and German students participated in the ‘Tandem’ project. Project coordinator: Grażyna Balkowska, M.A.
- The project “Creation of DFL’s Virtual Learning Environment” was completed.
- The 1st and 2nd stage of the “Santander Universidades” project was realised, the report on realisation of the 1st and 2nd stage of the project was prepared (authors: Docent Irina Modrzycka, Aleksandra Cach, M.A., Jacek Bednarczuk, M.A.)
- A report on the DFL Development Strategy for 2012 and 2013 was prepared (authors: Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, Docent Romualda Kuźmińska, PhD)
- 17th Lower Silesian Science Festival took place, DFL organised over 20 language events, coordinator: Krzysztof Rzemiński, M.A.
- Methodical internal trainings for lecturers, trainings for Management and “DFL Development Days” with theme “DFL activities for education quality within Development Strategy” were held.
- New Management of DFL was appointed for the term 2012-2016:
Director - Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD
Vice-Director for Didactics - Iwona Frankiewicz, M.A.
Vice-Director for Part-time and Doctoral Studies - Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A.
Head of the English Language Department - Joanna Wasilewska, M.A.
Deputy Head of English Department - Elżbieta Szczawińska, M.A.
Director of German Language Group - Beata Brocka, M.A.
Head of Romance and Slavic Languages Team - Teresa Trochimczuk, M.A.
Head of the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners - Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A. - A new language team was created - Romance and Slavic Languages Section.
- The position of Administrative Manager was created at DFL, and taken by Marzena Kasperczak, M.A.
- The National Education Commission Medal was awarded to
Elżbieta Wróblewska, M.A.
Beata Czachorowska, M.A. - The Rector’s special award - the Lion of the University of Technology - was awarded to Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A. for her special contribution to the development of DFL.
- DFL has introduced a new teaching system based on the Polish Qualifications Framework.
- As a result of the work of the Quality Commission under the leadership of Jacek Bednarczuk, M.A.
- DFL commenced the implementation of the internal project “Creation of DFL Virtual Learning Environment”, Project Manager Docent Irina Modrzycka, coordinator: Piotr Zgondek, M.A.
- DFL organised preparation courses for IELTS, CAE, FCE, Bulats examinations, initiator and organiser - Joanna Wasilewska, M.A.
- DFL created a Translation Team, coordinator: Katarzyna Drozd-Piotrowska, M.A.
- 11th Language Tournament of 6 foreign languages: English, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Polish was held for foreign students, coordinator: Elżbieta Szczawińska, M.A.
- Maciej Kaczmarek, a student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, won second place and became a laureate of 8th National German Language Olympiad
- The third edition of Students’ Days was organised under the title “Language Survival or Language School of Survival”. The organisational committee was chaired by Joanna Grusiecka-Domagała, M.A., coordinator: Agnieszka Krzos, M.A. For the first time the Language Juvenalia took place in ZOD in Legnica and Jelenia Góra.
- For the first time the annual meeting of DFL employees with the retired Study Centre staff took place in May (instead of January as previously) and became a new DFL tradition.
- Within the EILC Erasmus programme, for the third time the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners conducted intensive Polish language courses for 46 foreign students from 8 countries, the project Manager - Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A
- Within the framework of DFL’s cooperation with Hochschule Hannover the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners lecturers and the German language team jointly organised Summer School for German and Polish students. Project coordinator: Grażyna Balkowska, M.A.
- DFL Development Strategy till 2020 was prepared (authors - Docent Irina Modrzycka, Docent Romualda Kuźmińska, PhD).
- 16th Lower Silesian Science Festival was held, DFL organised 30 language events, coordinator: Zuzanna Wiszniowska, M.A.
- The first “DFL Development Days” with theme “Examples of good teaching practices” and special training for the Study Management were held.
- The National Education Commission Medal was awarded to:
- Ewa Marynowska-Sowula, M.A.
- Ewa Poterałowicz, M.A. - The expanded Quality Commission is involved in the implementation of the quality assurance system and the development of documents related to the introduction of the National Qualifications Framework, which will be in force from the academic year 2012/2013.
- The Department has established cooperation with the Warsaw University Career Service in order to examine language competences of the WUST graduates and adapt the curricula to the labour market needs.
- The Centre organises examination sessions for the BULATS and Cambridge ESOL tests
- The Department celebrated its 60th anniversary. Jubilee celebrations took place on 18 May 2012.
- The title of honorary professor of Wrocław University of Science and Technology was conferred on the first Director of the Centre, Prof. Jan Cygan. The golden badge of Wrocław University of Science and Technology with a diamond was awarded to Docent Romualda Kuźmińska, PhD. On the occasion of the DFL Jubilee, a commemorative book entitled “Historia Studium we wspomnieniach” edited by Docent Romualda Kuźmińska, PhD was published.
- The Centre organised the 21st International Conference of the Association of Teachers of English IATEFL.
- The Centre organised the SERMO conference ‘Psychological aspects of teaching and Management in higher education’.
- The second Language Juvenalia with a sports theme was held.
- 10th Language Tournament was held, the language competition programme included Spanish for the first time.
- A new position of Finance Assistant was created in DFL administration, which was taken by Ewa Zubowska, M.A.
- Within the Erasmus EILC programme, the Centre of Polish Language for Foreigners conducted intensive Polish language courses for students from 12 countries.
- 15th Lower Silesian Science Festival was held; DFL organised 22 language events.
- The National Education Commission Medal was awarded to Ewa Mroczka, M.A.
- The “Docendo Discimus” award for outstanding teaching achievements went to Jolanta Dudzińska, M.A.
- The “Language Education Quality Assurance System” was developed as part of an internal project.
- The University began preparations for environmental accreditation.
- 9th edition of Language Tournament for English, German and French languages was organised.
- On 10 May, the first Language Juvenalia took place under the title “Language Kaleidoscope”.
- the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners organised the Polish Language Olympiad for Foreigners in Szklarska Poręba, 2-week summer Polish language course for students of the partner university from Ryazan (Russia) and intensive Polish language courses for students of the LLP-Erasmus (Lifelong Learning Programme) programme from 9 countries.
- The Centre actively participates in the activities of professional associations: Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A., became a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Teachers of English IATEFL, Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, became a member of the Board of Directors of SERMO Association of Academic Centres for Foreign Language Teaching.
- July 2011 - Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, a German teacher, was appointed the Director of the College, while Joanna Wasilewska, M.A., an English teacher, was appointed the Vice-Director for Development.
- 14th Lower Silesian Science Festival was held; DFL organised 23 language events for school children.
- DFL became a winner of a competition for the best language policy of higher education institutions in Poland organised within the social campaign “Language is the basis. Learn languages!” by developing a “Strategy for building a culture of quality language education”. (by Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, PhD).
- The Dyslexia Working Group, chaired by Ewa Mroczka, M.A., was established.
- The National Education Commission Medal was awarded to Danuta Nędza, M.A.
- The “docendo discimus” award for outstanding teaching achievements went to Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A.
- A new DFL website was developed.
- The didactic project “Foreign languages in the engineer’s work environment” was prepared as DFL’s contribution to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Technical Universities in Wrocław.
- Regulations and description of the new central examination for levels B2 and C1, A2 and B1 were prepared.
- 14th Scientific and Didactic Conference “Interdisciplinarity in Foreign Language Teaching” was held.
- A strategy for the development of “rare languages” was developed.
- A survey of students was conducted in order to optimise planning of language courses at the first and second level.
- 8th edition of the Language Tournament for English, German and French was organised.
- Michał Małkus, a student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, took the first place in the 11th English Language Olympiad of Technical Universities.
- The College continued international cooperation with partner universities in Russia (Moscow, Ryazan) and Germany (Magdeburg).
- Docent Irina Modrzycka, PhD, a German teacher, was appointed as Vice-Director for Development.
The administration work was reorganised:
Bogusława Jaworska, M.A., became the Head of the DFL Library,
Katarzyna Chańko was employed as a senior clerk at the DFL Secretariat, - A new department “Student Database” was created; it is run by Jolanta Szabla.
- Compulsory central examinations at B2 level at the first level of studies were introduced.
- A Programme for Development and Pro-Quality Measures was developed and introduced:
A Commission for Quality Affairs chaired by Jacek Bednarczuk, M.A.; - A new system of teaching and examination at B2 and C1 levels was developed;
- elements of specialist language have been introduced into curricula and into tests and examination tasks;
- criteria for assessment of the quality of language teaching process, procedures for lesson observation and induction of new staff members and Regulations for the Central Examination have been prepared
- a series of internal training courses for lecturers (lectures and workshops) related to ensuring high quality of education at Wrocław University of Technology was organised.
- The University Language Tournament was held.
- An internal communication system – the e-board was created.
- The scientific and didactic output of the College was put in order.
- A Lecturer’s Club was opened.
DFL conducted the following activities:
I. In terms of didactic activity:
1. The foreign language teaching system for the reformed first and second-level programmes of studies under the Bologna Process was adapted and developed.
2. The didactic offer was enriched in relation to the needs of WUST:
- a new offer of profile courses was prepared as part of compulsory language courses,
- English and French courses were prepared and conducted for employees teaching foreign language subjects - 2006,
- new languages were added to the offer” Korean - 2006/2007 and Czech - 2007/2008,
- an academic certificate ACERT was introduced, certifying knowledge of a foreign language acquired in the course of obligatory classes for students of the Academy - 2008,
- a new, more modern form of doctoral exam for PhD students was introduced,
- new courses in voice emission, the art of discussion and public speaking were added,
- lectures on Polish history and culture were introduced - 2006,
- final central exams for students of the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners preparatory course were prepared and introduced - 2007/2008,
- intensive courses of Polish language within Summer School - 2005/2006.
II. In the scope of activities supporting foreign language teaching:
- 3th International scientific and didactic conference entitled “The role of academic centres for foreign language and Polish language teaching in the creation of European space for higher education” - September 2007,
- a series of training sessions for teaching staff on the Bologna Process and the quality system were organised in 2005/2006 and on psychological and pedagogical issues in 2007/2008,
- a discussion on teaching subjects in foreign languages was organised,
• cooperation with the Department of International Cooperation was initiated in order to develop a project for the establishment of the Centre for Language Education.
III. In terms of organisation:
- Regulations of DFL, the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners and DFL Library were developed - 2005/2006,
- The assessment system was adjusted to the binding Assessment Regulations - 2005/2006,
- The Team for Part-time Studies was established, and the function of the Head of this Team was created. The function was taken by Dorota Pytel, M.A., an English teacher.
IV. In terms of supporting teaching activities:
- In 2006, 2007 and 2008 the Language Tournament for English, French, German and Russian languages was organised,
- In 2007 the Olympiad of Polish Language for Foreigners was organized,
- Participation of DFL teaching staff in Lower Silesian Science Festival,
- Preparation and submission of a project for the European Language Label competition (May 2008) entitled “Politechnika poliglotów – nauczanie umiejętności komunikacyjnych w międzynarodowym świecie techniki i biznesu [The polyglot university – teaching communication skills in the international world of technology and business]”.
V. In the scope of information activities, public relations and iM.A.ge shaping of the DFL:
- Information boards in accordance with the University logotype were introduced,
- DFL logo developed and implemented,
- DFL and the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners materials were prepared for publication in 8 issues of Pryzmat and 1 in Gazeta Wrocławska, 4 information in local TV - 2007/2008,
- DFL website was redesigned and a WWW site for the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners was developed in Polish, English and Spanish - 2007/2008,
- A guidebook was prepared in several language versions on the preparatory course run by the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners for foreigners intending to study at the Technical University - 2005/2006,
- Substantive and graphical orders for “brochures and gadgets” in Polish, English and Spanish for the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners were developed - 2007/2008.
The “Docendo Discimus” award for outstanding teaching achievements went to:
- Joanna Leszkiewicz, M.A. (2006)
- Małgorzata Stawska, M.A. (2008)
The Medal of the Commission of National Education was awarded to
- Elżbieta Radomska, M.A. (2005)
- Joanna Kozieja-Ruta, M.A. (2006)
- Helena Kajetanowicz, Docent (2007)
- Grażyna Balkowska, M.A. (2008)
First central examination in foreign languages - January 2005.
Introduction of remedial courses.
Małgorzata Stawska, M.A., a Polish language teacher, became the Director of DFL, and Renata Kasprzak, M.A., an English language teacher, became Vice-Director for Didactics.
12th International Academic and Didactic Conference “The richness of the European culture and civilisation in foreign language teaching”.
Beginning work on the e-learning project and developing interactive computer tests.
Introduction of the Japanese language to the language course offer.
Methodical and didactic training for language teachers of Wrocław schools
The Department of Foreign Languages has obtained a licence to conduct language examinations in which the candidates receive TELC international certificates.
DFL organised the 12th International IATEFL Conference.
Conference of the Glottodidactics Section of the Bristol Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Language as a Foreign Language organised with the Jagiellonian University.
Reform of the system of teaching foreign languages - introduction of uniform levels of language proficiency according to the European description of language education, description of language skills for particular levels, definition of the structure and scope of language examinations.
Organisation of Russian language summer courses for Students of WUST in Moscow.
Organisation of the Foreign Languages Olympiad for students of the University of Wrocław.
Language competition for students of Wrocław University of Technology in co-operation with ZSP.
Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Foreign Languages.
DFL co-organises with the University of Wrocław the International Scientific Conference “Polish language, literature and culture in the didactics of Polish as a foreign language”.
11th International Scientific and Didactic Conference “My methodical workshop at the beginning of the 21st century”.
Didactic training for lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages.
10th International Scientific and Didactic Conference “Foreign Language Teaching in the Era of Education Reform and Integration with the European Community”.