Department of Foreign Languages

Certification exam

Information about the English language certification exam for doctoral students of the Doctoral School at Wrocław University of Science Technology

Description of the exam:

In accordance with the Regulations of the Doctoral School and Internal Regulation 68/2021 for doctoral students of the Doctoral School at Wrocław University of Science Technology who started their education at the Doctoral School in the academic year 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 and do not have a language certificate of external institutions or a diploma confirming the knowledge of the required foreign language at a language proficiency level of at least B2 CEFR, the Department of Foreign Languages  conducts an academic language certification exam in order to confirm, by issuing a certificate, the learning outcomes in the field of modern foreign language at the B2 CEFR language proficiency level.

The exam is held two times per academic year in winter and summer examination session.

The exam consists of a written and an oral part.

The written part of the certification exam checks the ability to work with texts from the area of ​​academic language and language for specific purposes. Exam tasks are constructed on the basis of various materials, including lectures and presentations related to popular science topics and fragments of scientific articles related to the academic environment.

A maximum of 60 points can be obtained from the written part of the certification exam.

The oral part of the exam consists of presenting a 10-minute presentation prepared in advance  on a topic related to the academic interests of the person taking the exam and answering a randomly selected question from the field of general language.

A maximum of 30 points can be obtained from the oral part of the certification exam.


The doctoral student receives a certificate confirming the achievement of learning outcomes in the field of modern foreign language (English) at the B2 language proficiency level CEFR, after obtaining the number of points corresponding to at least 55% of the maximum number of points possible to obtain in the certification exam (written and oral part).

If the number of points is lower, the exam is considered as failed. A doctoral student may retake the exam in the next examination session.

Contact in matters related to the certification exam:


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