Department of Foreign Languages

About courses

The Department of Foreign Languages at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology organises – paid language improvement courses held during the winter and summer semester, as well as during the summer holidays. They are aimed at people who want to learn a new foreign language, develop their language skills, fill some gaps from earlier language courses, raise qualifications or simply pursue their hobby. 

The language courses are primarily offered to students, PhD students and employees of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, but they may be attended by anyone interested in learning foreign languages.  

Our offer includes courses both in the most popular languages (English, German) and in some rare languages (e.g. Czech). Each course is based on the teacher's own program. Classes take place once or twice a week.  

We suggest that anyone willing to enrol in a course should first check their language skills and do a placement test (an option available to WUST employees and students).   

You can enrol via an on-line form (active during the all-university enrolment days)

Payment for participation in the course should be made to the following account:  67 1090 2402 0000 0001 2038 8417. 

Politechnika Wrocławska, Studium Języków Obcych
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 8
50-370 Wrocław
transfer description: course name and teacher

For additional information on language improvement courses contact: 

Deputy Director for Organisation

Anna Kania, M.A., tel. 71 320 38 55, room 104

SJO Office , tel. 71 320 31 17, room 103.

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