- Fulltime and parttime undergraduate and graduate students, and also PhD candidates at Wrocław University of Science and Technology can participate in the national language Olympiad.
- The participants of the previous editions of the Olympiad can also take part, excluding the 1-4 place laureates in the previous editions.
- Foreign students can also participate in the Olympiad, excluding those who come from the countries the language of the Olympiad is the official language.
- All information on the organisation of the national language Olympiad are available on the organiser’s website.
- The Olympiad is held in two stages. The first one is organised by the university whose students signed up to participate.
- The information on the first stage (announcements, participation regulations, dates, results, etc.) are posted on the website of the Foreign Language Department of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
- Stage 1 of the Olympiad is organised by the Coordinators in the Foreign Language Department.
- The results of Stage 1 are usually announces 6 weeks later, and the list of students qualified for Stage 2 (the national one) is posted on the organiser’s website and the Foreign Language Department Website.
- The Foreign Language Department teachers organise workshops and consultations for students taking part in the second stage of the language Olympiad to help them prepare for the second stage.
- The participants of the second stage of the language Olympiad may apply to their Faculty Dean for funding covering their travel expenses.
Apart from the awards granted to the laureates and finalists of the second stage by the Olympiad organisers, the Foreign Language Department may also grant additional in-kind or cash prizes for the laureates from Wrocław University of Science and Technology who won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.