Department of Foreign Languages

German-Polish summer language school - tandem project. July 2019

From 14.07. to 21.07.2019 the sixth tandem project of ZLB - Language Center Hochschule Hannover and Department of Foreign Languages of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology took place. This time it was us who hosted a group of German lecturers and students in Wrocław. The aim of the project was to strengthen students' language skills and to acquire new intercultural competences.

The project involved 16 German HH students and 16 Polish students from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Exchange programme

The exchange programme included an intensive Polish language course at A1 level for German students (led by Aleksandra Skowronek M.A.), an intensive Polish language course for advanced students (led by Anna Kania M.A.), an intensive German language course at B1+ level for Polish students (led by Alexander Steinhof M.A. lecturer) and the implementation of a tandem project. As part of the tandem activities, students in Polish-German groups created a concept of a virtual company (simulation globale) and prepared written and oral tasks describing in detail the functioning of the company, created a company website and played selected business roles. We guaranteed all participants a rich additional program - we visited the German Consulate and talked with the Consul General, we had a trip around Wrocław, we visited Panorama Racławicka and the Sky Tower.  We provided our guests with a lot of unforgettable entertainment such as tandem games while getting to know the Wroclaw campus. We also organized an integration evening.

The German group was supervised by Ms Anne Zadikian, while Ms Anna Kania was responsible for the implementation of the Polish program.


We would like to express our special thanks to the Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of Lower Saxony for financing the project from the funds of the partner regions and to the Department of Foreign Languages of PWR.
We would like to thank the director of the Language Center Hochschule Hannover - Ms Christina Ahrberg for a very good cooperation over the years as well as all the staff who contributed to the realization of the next edition of our tandem project.

Report prepared by Anna Kania

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