Biuro Edycji Tekstów Naukowych (BETeN) [Academic Translation and Proofreading Services] at the Department of Foreign Languages of Wrocław University of Science and Technology offers translation and proofreading services at all stages of the publication process.
Our Team of translators and proofreaders (native speakers of English) performs general and specialized translations of all University documents, bylaws, regulations, orders, websites and scientific articles, ensuring high quality of the target text, terminological consistency, required formatting, and grammatical and stylistic accuracy of the corrected texts.
At the request of the Client, we issue certificates conforming a paper was proofed by a native speaker. We cooperate with sworn translators of the English language.
Our Team of Translators and Proofreaders:
Translators of the English language:
- Mariusz Bednarski
- Aleksander Brzózka
- Anna Grygorowicz
- Izabela Koszutska
- Magdalena Staroniewicz
- Monika Szela-Badzińska
- Małgorzata Tomala
Proofreaders of texts written in English:
- Michael Fyall
- John Wolf
Translator of the German language:
- Piotr Zgondek
Translator of the French language:
- Zofia Paroń
- Dominika Rawa
Translator of the Spanish language:
- Joanna Szemet