Department of Foreign Languages

About us & Contact

Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners

Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 8
50-370 Wrocław

Natalia Wild
Independent referent 

Tel/Fax: +48 71 320 22 23
Office hours 7.30 - 15.30

The Department of Polish Language for Foreigners was established in 1985 by the Ministry of Education and the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The courses organised by the Department are attended by students from all over the world. Several thousand students have completed courses in Polish, at a variety of levels, and enrolled at diverse universities, in order to study areas such as electronics, medicine, law, economy and political science – in undergraduate or postgraduate programmes.
The fees for a one-year course: €3,000 plus €200 admission fee. Students of Polish ancestry pay €20 admission fee.

Besides the above mentioned fees, students should budget for living and accommodation expenses. A shared room at a Hall of Residence is approx. 400 PLN per month. Other living costs are estimated at approx. 1000 PLN per month.

In order to enrol, you should deliver the required documents to:

Office of International Affairs
50-370 Wrocław,
building C-13, Wybrzeże Wyspianskiego 23-25, room: 1.14, 1st floor
+48 71 320 37 19
+48 71 320 37 11
+48 71 320 31 70
+48 71 320 44 39

The teachers are highly qualified. We established methods of teaching Polish as a foreign language which are tailored to students’ individual needs.

The classes are held in a beautifully located, modern building, equipped with language laboratories and computer rooms, a library and a multimedia library.

Since 1990, we have organized National Polish Language Competitions for International Students.

Courses offered by Polish and English Language Centre for Foreigners:

  • Polish language course
  • Polish language summer course
  • The humanistic disciplines
  • Polish Culture and History

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