Department of Foreign Languages

Prestigious ELL Award for SJO for Tandem

Date: 28.09.2021

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The international project Tandem, run for the last six years in The Foreign Language department of WUST in cooperation with ZLB Language Centre Hochschule Hannover, was awarded with the prestigious European Language Label award by the Polish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme and the European Solidarity Corps. ELL is a European quality mark in education and foreign language teaching and learning, established in 1998. The winners are selected in a project competition. In Poland the competition is coordinated by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System.

As laureates, we received a certificate signed by European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, hence gaining the right to run the Tandem Project under the European Language Label name.

Since 2015, the certificate has been awarded in one competition category – projects run by a coordinator in a language education institution. In SJO, the coordinator is Anna Kania, M.A.

The objective of the competition is the development of the communicative language and intercultural competences in  language course participants. The certificate promotes outstanding methodological and educational achievements and is awarded for innovative language teaching methods and strategies.

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