Department of Foreign Languages

Language Improvement Courses

Date: 17.02.2022

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

In the summer term 2021/22 the Department of Foreign Languages at Wrocław University of Science and Technology is organising paid language improvement courses, you can learn  English, Italian, Spanish and German from experienced teachers from our department who wrote syllabi specially for these additional courses.

To enrol in a course you should first do a placement test (an option available to WUST employees and students).

To see the offer and calendar click here.

The enrolment is online, you should only send your payment confirmation. Should you have any questions contact our office tel. 71 320 31 17 or 31 87. 

Registration takes place until 04.03.2022 via the online form.

Payments should be made to the following bank account: 
67 1090 2402 0000 0001 2038 8417 

In the bank transfer title, specify the course name and the teacher’s surname. 

To find our more, you can always contact our office at:

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