Department of Foreign Languages

All information for NEW STUDENTS (from NAWA and Admission Office) in academic year 2019/2020 from the Department of Polish Language for Foreigners

Date: 22.08.2019

This entry may contain inaccurate data.


  1. Students can ARRIVE TO WROCŁAW after 24th of September – that’s the earliest day they can be accommodated in dormitories. List of allocated places will be published in September.
  2. Information on accommodation in the dorm:
    1. Payments should be made at the post office or via internet transfer. Students should provide confirmation of payment in dorm office. The student will not receive the keys without settling the payment.
    2. The deposit is PLN 400 for foreigners
    3. The rent in a 3-person room is about 550 PLN / month. The amount of rent is calculated on the spot depending on the number of days.
    4. To accommodate student should have: a photocopy of passport and visa, a photo on the resident's card, confirmation of the deposit and rent.
    5. The dormitory provides only blankets.
    6. Accommodation takes place between 7:30 and 15:00 from Monday to Friday. After 3pm it is not possible to lodge in the dormitory
      Additional dates on Saturdays: 28.09 and 5.10.
      All information on matters related to the dormitory can be found at
  3. On 1 October students have to report to Polish Language Study at 9am (Address: 8 Wybrzeże Wyspianskiego, building H-4, room 112ab). They’ll receive every additional information there. Course consist of 4hrs of polish language classes. From summer semester students will attend major subject’s classes, depending on field of study chosen. The timetable will be given on 1st October.
  4. Only scholarship holders from NAWA (I. Łukasiewcz, Banach) will receive the SCHOLARSHIP on 15th  day of every month.
    WARNING! Please create your own bank accounts. This will facilitate the scholarship payment procedure.
  5. Students should have INSURANCE lasting until the middle of October. After that, they are obliged to have new insurance. It’s obligatory.
  6. About DOCUMENTS: the scholarship holder - Embassy of Poland or Polish Consulate in your country will provide you with all information, which documents you need; paid students - please contact
  7. The scholarship holder: all CERTIFICATES needed will be given to you by Polish consulate in your country; paid students - please contact
  8. Setting up an account on the system EdukacjaCL is mandatory.
    (candidate - create new account - other citizenship) ATTENTION! The data should be entered from the passport. The most important details to be completed are: name, surname, passport number, date of birth, mother's name, father's name, address, current phone number.
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