Department of Foreign Languages

Share your langauge, share your culture

Dear Erasmus/International Students,

I would like to invite you to join the programme organised by the Department of Foreign Languages called “Share your culture, share your language”.

The idea of the programme is quite simple: you team up with Polish students and you get some tasks to do (e.g. cook something, go to a cultural event, etc.) and you do them together in your free time. During the tasks, we would also like you to share your language with each other, so that you could practise your Polish and Polish students – foreign languages. At the end, we meet again and you present what you have done together.

Why join the programme?

  • to meet new, amazing people,
  • to learn more about Polish culture and language,
  • to have some fun!

If you are interested in joining the programme, please fill in the questionnaire under the link below by 26.03.2023:

Should you have any questions please contact

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025

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